
A Quick Update On Our LabyREnth CTF Challenge

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Congratulations to those who solved an introductory challenge hidden in our initial LabyREnth announcement!

Unit 42 CTF 1

If you decode the binary in the Palo Alto Networks logo on, you get the following ascii message:

“For reals yall. Has anyone really been far as decided to use XOR even go want to do look more like? You've got to even have been kidding me with this PAN. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can for Rules and even more than Prizes have been the Overviews. Can you really be far from Ordering even as decided half as much to use Digits go wish for that?”

This message gives you a clue about how to decode the rest of the binary code. If you notice, certain words are capitalized: XOR PAN Rules Prizes Overviews Ordering and Digits. If you take the binary from the digits in the countdown clock, in order from 0 through 9, and XOR them with the key PAN, you’ll get the URL for the Overview, Rules, and Prizes pages.

As you can see, we’ll be giving away $16,000 in cash prizes, and participation prizes for anyone that finishes a track or all of the challenges. We hope you enjoy the LabyREnth challenge!

The challenge will start on Friday July 15, 2016, at 4pm PST and will run until August 14, 2016, at 11:59pm PST.

Follow the countdown at LabyREnth, and check out the overview of the challenge. Information about the rules and prizes are also there, if you are clever enough to find them! We’ll announce updates here on the blog and through Twitter: @unit42_intel, @wartortell, and #labyREnth.

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