
Black Hat 2014: Threat Intelligence With an Emphasis On Context

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A few weeks ago we formally introduced Unit 42, the new threat intelligence team at Palo Alto Networks. Following the release Unit 42's inaugural research paper, 419 Evolution, many of the team leads are on the scene here at Black Hat 2014 in Las Vegas.


It's a chance for the security community at large to get to know Unit 42 and our intelligence gathering process, which endeavors not only to provide technical research and detailed analysis of threats, but also to provide context into an attacker's motivations and methods using data collected from the Palo Alto Networks security platform. The approach is intended to help security practitioners and business leaders make sense of trends and thus make better-informed decisions about their security posture.

Ryan Olson, Unit 42 Intelligence Director, joined us from the show floor at Black Hat today to talk about Unit 42, 419 Evolution and what's to come from this exciting new Palo Alto Networks team. Watch below:

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For more on Unit 42

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