
Musical Chairs: Multi-Year Campaign Involving New Variant of Gh0st Malware

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The Gh0st malware is a widely used remote administration tool (RAT) that originated in China in the early 2000s. It has been the subject of many analysis reports, including those describing targeted espionage campaigns like Operation Night Dragon and the GhostNet attacks on Tibet. Musical Chairs is a multi-year campaign which recently deployed a new variant Gh0st we’ve named “Piano Gh0st.”

Our evidence suggests the actors behind these attacks have been operating for over five years and have maintained a single command and control server for almost two. They use compromised e-mail accounts to distribute their malware widely and their targeting appears opportunistic rather than specific.

The overall motivation of this campaign is unclear at this time. Gh0st is very versatile as it allows an adversary to take complete control over the infected system including installing additional malware.

Tracking the Gh0st

Using Palo Alto Networks AutoFocus we have identified Gh0st variants associated with Musical Chairs leading back to mid 2013. The source code and building tools for Gh0st are available freely on the web; anyone who is so inclined can build their own version of the malware. The way researchers differentiate between most variants is based on their “magic tag.”

Gh0st uses a custom TCP protocol to connect to a command and control (C2) server and retrieve instructions from the attacker. The malware identifies itself to the server by sending a string of characters (the magic tag), which the server repeats back to confirm the connection (See Figure 1.)

In the original version this string was “Gh0st” but in subsequent versions many different strings are used. These strings, along with the actual location of the command and control server (domain and/or IP address) allow us to associate various Gh0st samples with a single attacker or group.  In 2011, Norman released a paper that showed many clusters of Gh0st samples that were connected based on these tags.

musical chairs figure 1

Figure 1. Gh0st “magic tag” value sent over custom TCP protocol

Using these tags in the network traffic, the command and control infrastructure and other characteristics of the attacks, we have grouped together a series of attacks into the one campaign, named Musical Chairs.

The functionality of Gh0stRat (3.6) is well documented by multiple sources and is summarized below:

  • Keylogging
  • Remote terminal access
  • Remote audio and video access
  • File management
  • Remote file download and execution
  • Process explorer and additional system enumeration capabilities
  • GUI interaction (remote control)
  • Self Update
  • Reset of SSDT to remove existing hooks

Spreading the Gh0st

The Gh0st variants used in the Musical Chairs campaign are distributed using phishing e-mails. The threat actors behind the attacks use a “shotgun” approach, blasting e-mails to as many recipients as possible in hopes of tricking a small percentage of targets into opening the attack. The attackers generally do not rely upon any vulnerability exploitation, and instead rely on the user to open the attached executable to compromise their system. Additionally, the phishing messages are sent from US-based residential ISP e-mail addresses. The accounts themselves appear to be legitimate, and are likely also compromised by this actor. In many cases the phishing e-mails are sent indiscriminately to all e-mail addresses in an infected user’s address book, including “no-reply” addresses a human operator would know to ignore.

While Gh0st itself does not have built in e-mailing components, it is also possible that an additional payload is responsible for the propagation via e-mail.

The following list contains known filenames of attachments used in the delivery stage of the Musical Chairs campaign:

  • “Pleasantly Surprised.exe”
  • “Beautiful Girls.exe”
  • “Sexy Girls.exe”
  • “gift card.exe”
  • “amazon gift card.pdf.exe”

The subject of the e-mails carrying these files typically matches the filename itself and does not contain any sophisticated attempts at social engineering. The attacks detected thus far by Palo Alto Networks WildFire have been exclusively in the United States and do not appear to target any particular industry.


The infrastructure used in Musical Chairs stands out primarily due to its longevity and use of multiple Gh0st command servers on the same host.  At the center of the infrastructure for the last two years is a Windows 2003 server using the IP address  The server uses a US-based IP address, but displays a Chinese language interface for Remote Desktop connections.

musical chairs figure 2

Figure 2. Chinese language Windows Server 2003 login banner on Gh0st C2

Thus far Unit 42 has identified 32 different Gh0st samples connecting to this server dating back to July of 2013. The Gh0st C2 software operates on Windows and allows the attacker to specify which port it should listen on for connections from infected systems. The attacker may host multiple Gh0st C2s on this server at one time, or may change the hosting TCP port very frequently. The 32 samples we have identified connect to 19 different TCP ports.

First Seen Gh0st TCP Port
7/18/13 10003
9/4/13 10009
9/4/13 10008
9/14/13 10004
10/15/13 10004
11/21/13 20004
11/28/13 20001
1/2/14 40000
1/2/14 40000
1/9/14 20004
1/29/14 10008
3/17/14 30001
4/17/14 8001
4/22/14 8001
7/14/14 10005
8/18/14 8003
9/10/14 9000
9/19/14 9000
10/27/14 10006
2/20/15 9001
3/24/15 600
7/13/15 200
7/15/15 200
7/15/15 200
7/17/15 200
7/21/15 200
7/21/15 201
7/22/15 201
7/29/15 201
8/10/15 203
8/18/15 204
8/20/15 204

While is the longest standing command and control server, it is not the only server used by Musical Chairs. The malware typically finds this server using a domain that is registered by the attacker and the registration information used by these C2 domains has allowed us to identify additional infrastructure used in these attacks.

musical chairs figure 3

Figure 3. Diagram of relationships between Musical Chairs C2 domains and related infrastructure

These many related domains put the approximate start date of this campaign in 2010. The earliest versions of the attacks we’ve found are still visible in e-mail groups and public Facebook postings. Figure 4 shows an e-mail with the subject “my girlfriend’s self-view video” that contains a link to an executable hosted on, one of the domains associated with the Musical Chairs infrastructure.

musical chairs figure 4

Figure 4. Screenshot of e-mail linking to nvzm[.]info using a “self-view video” theme.

The image below shows a Facebook post from 2012 with a similar theme and a different link to a URL that is also part of the same infrastructure map.

musical chairs figure 5

Figure 5. Screenshot of Facebook posting including a different “video” theme.

Finally, we located a user who posted to the Gmail Help forum in 2010 requesting assistance with ridding their system of malware. He states that all of his contacts received one of the “self-view” phishing e-mails after his system was compromised.

musical chairs figure 6

Figure 6. Screenshot of request on Gmail help forums related to “self-view” video e-mails.

While we have not been able to identify the specific malware used to distribute these spam messages, the infrastructure and the themes used in the e-mails connect them directly back to Musical Chairs happening this year.

Piano Gh0st

In July, Musical Chairs began deploying a new variant of Gh0st, which we’ve named “Piano Gh0st.”  This variant uses a new wrapper file to hide the Gh0st payload. The files are delivered as a self-extracting executable (SFW) that acts as the dropper. It is responsible for extracting its payload to “c:\microsoft\lib\ke\Piano.dll” and executes the “mystart” function within the DLL’s export address table (EAT) using rundll32.exe.

musical chairs figure 7

Figure 7. Screenshot of calls observed by Palo Alto Wildfire from within the AutoFocus interface.

The “Piano.dll” file itself has very little functionality other than decrypting, loading and running an embedded DLL. It decrypts the embedded DLL using the Blowfish symmetric cipher with a simple key consisting of the character "y". “Piano.dll” proceeds to load the newly decrypted DLL manually and calls the exported function "my start". The decrypted DLL has the following attributes:

MD5: 8182a33cc1268c0c3b4e3d9a02d912c9

SHA256: 32026e702cff8fd3f113473ea2698eab0ca181aa2d0fd0e8802e31aa3befa94a

Type: PE32 executable for MS Windows (DLL) (GUI) Intel 80386 32-bit

Size: 148008 bytes

Imphash: 9c01d71c9bf78d231a313c86540e284c

Compiled: 2015-07-14 02:11:32


(0x123f0) mystart

This embedded DLL is the actor Gh0stRat Trojan, specifically version 3.6. The following debugging path is found within the DLL, which suggests the individual who compiled this DLL has a Chinese language pack (GB2312 specifically) installed:

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\GetRawInputData_dlll键盘记录版_win7bug改_网络验证_Mutext_LSPlayer_20150708\gh0st3.6\Server\svchost\Release\

The Trojan maintaings persistence on the infected system by creating an entry in the registry at “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run” with the key “nvidiake” and value “c:\microsoft\lib\ke\vv.js”, as seen in Figure 8.

musical chairs figure 8

Figure 8. AutoFocus view of registry key modifications made by Piano Gh0st to maintain persistence through system reboots

The file “vv.js” in the registry key is a simple one-line JavaScript that executes the “vvv.bat” file, as seen in the following:

The ‘vvv.bat’ file is a batch file that executes the Piano.dll payload in the same way as the initial dropper, using “rundll32.exe” to call the “mystart” exported function, as seen in the following:

After setting up the registry keys for persistence, the Gh0stRat sample begins communicating with its command and control server using a custom network protocol. The magic tag used by this version of Gh0st is “clarkclar1” as seen in Figure 9. This variant also communicated with a command and control server using the domain www.meitanjiaoyiwang[.]com, which is hosted by on tcp port 200.

musical chairs figure 9

Figure 9. Screenshot of Piano Gh0st variant using the “clarkclar1” magic tag.

Detection and Prevention

Palo Alto Networks WildFire detected the Gh0st malware, including the Piano Gh0st variant, as malicious based on the behavior the attack files exhibit on an infected system.

Additionally, we have deployed threat prevention signatures to detect Piano Gh0st alongside our previously deployed signatures for earlier Gh0st variants. AutoFocus users can find more information about this threat using the MusicalChairs tag.

The following indicators identify attacks using Piano Gh0st and the Musical Chairs campaign.

type value
sha256 50f08f0b23fe1123b298cb5158c1ad5a8244ce272ea463a1e4858d12719b337f
sha256 8dac9fa1ea29a90893a77f4d49c1393fa99a967e8af6a507037789041911de95
sha256 f08f26a7026ba249d021ca21f097405a536771f38d94081731c0f7960177408b
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sha256 e60c25ee1404433e3f78e50f5edea11f186211148ce8e5abb22c1f01b76d96f3
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sha256 29726da0ebd8960cab09f91bb8fa37db27b1ca2a3897235c645d1896df10303b
sha256 61b77cada9c2a16daeb465e439cb3e38c857f1559455187469821893bf542666
sha256 a0fdb977b712e669aae28723f1a4b90735a5af9e92937558c9da8f62614a1a17
sha256 73ae929dde6826306046d8db744da6e5150f5c508298726b634d39c279192ad0
sha256 e297929c583c6f84727c312b937c43550d71fe2bca4f4138d53441c7e269cfa4
sha256 55090a930b6c37f9ff215793e950a4ffb67f516fd0a14409b027f995d27da082
sha256 a7afee2227ff3ee64695235c7eed214ee1d18c2b6e287616118b5f38fd6720dc
sha256 4306af9aa2b585dd07c4b114bc7e292f7f9ab06732ae7a9e7f4831b88127c85a
sha256 66b1260565e2243bba1436f43e986ff741bd391305114d7bef891273e03abd72
sha256 022ca8187bfb1f347a0e547417a8088a5cc0e38fd9aa51b464154fbcf4aa149c
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sha256 552ff44540e944b3263fc8c32c7dba927f6e7f3f4489bb13b8ecc52c3fd40bf1
sha256 e1290e92c5caff9631f4ebe53df27293b71df19b6b5435323332658ebaa9c6b6
sha256 fb8b4bc012d45ba78e721a6f73df77ac7838998109c388ced95c995a7e7303f8
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sha256 c608bb6f3723aad1608963e661c8fb80ace93f02f7d52f61a1355e9512676d62
sha256 e58085656708d9759856325afb6cd67ec0ff7a126e27907efa2e91ef9a0ff474
sha256 bba343d4043ea3d170f4027546fad7f991b7ebce9e923dc42e16d88b570ff167
sha256 96c301bfa09338740575c4758d558b12e338654b16fc4b9d2badb9610358bf63
sha256 d3c8161f76d4187f32039b5557e22e5fb684c06aa3e145e813ee7a4e166cbf47
sha256 34dabb10ea595c773ae4f8c13b7d7fdb41927bc7052ef76204735bbffeda1c47
sha256 9c547a7c523e367948d2c645407d0919053ef48292173efe263f3ccfdcdc8e92
sha256 f31b23dee1e047e5b472bca54c06594c2cca5adcebd2290f35b60cb2ebb3ee26
sha256 a764f76276e41ec49b388e8c7c53b602edcc29ff3ac8f8ab4b52913eb91934e3
sha256 e58eb692d3933dfda630f659d447d7c8026eaf32d35478bd7056515706eb1481
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domain meitanjiaoyiwang[.]com
domain yourbroiler[.]com
mutex Global\\dafewewrw
filename Piano.dll
filename Beautiful Girls.exe
filename Pleasantly surprised.exe
filename amazon gift card.pdf.exe
filename Sexy Girls.exe
filename vv.js
filename vvv.bat
email address







Enlarged Image