
When Threat Actors Fly Under the Radar: Vatet, PyXie and Defray777

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Next Up: “PyXie Lite”

An earlier version of PyXie was previously covered in-depth by BlackBerry Cylance in December 2019. We will be primarily covering an updated variant and some notable changes we have observed.

Some of these changes include:

  • Hardened interpreter.
  • New remapped opcode table.
  • Repurposed as a data theft and reconnaissance tool.
  • Exfiltration through internal servers.

We call this variant PyXie Lite because of the significantly smaller code base, but don’t let the name fool you. It still packs a punch.


The recent variant we analyzed was loaded by Vatet rather than the Goopdate.dll and LMIGuardianDll.dll side loaders seen with earlier versions of PyXie.

The decrypted Vatet payload contains the first stage of PyXie prepended by a shellcode loader responsible for mapping the first stage into memory and executing it.

The shellcode loader utilizes MurmurHash3 hashing to locate APIs needed during this process at runtime.

DLL Function API Hash
Kernel32.dll GetProcAddress 0x261C88ED
Kernel32.dll VirtualAlloc 0xC17E7EB2
Kernel32.dll LoadLibraryExA 0x4B9B30B9

Table 2. MurmurHash3 API hashes.

Stage 1

The purpose of the first stage is to decrypt the second stage payload and execute it in memory.


A mutex is created to prevent multiple instances from running at the same time. The following logic is used:

  • Retrieve computer name with a call to GetComputerNameA. If that fails, fall back to DEFAULTCOMPNAME.
  • Compute MD5 Hash of the computer name.
  • XOR computed hash with 0x2.
  • Convert the result to a string with StringFromGUID2.
  • Create mutex using the string with a call to CreateMutexW.
String encryption

Significant strings are encrypted by a routine that increments each byte of the ciphertext by its index, masks the result with 0x7F (highest value in the ASCII character set) and XORs it against a key of equal length.

This shows an example of the Vatet loader's string decryption routine.

Table 3. String decryption example.

Decrypted Strings

-q -s {%S} -p %u













Table 4. Decrypted first stage strings.

Payload Decryption

The next stage payload is stored in an encrypted 7z archive located in the .gfids section of the binary. It is decrypted with the modified RC4 algorithm previously discussed in the BlackBerry Cylance write-up using the hard-coded key: 2C01443389BDFC7330A3386981C43E154AE8B60EC6646D916F93D18137A53544

The next stage payload is stored in an encrypted 7z archive located in the .gfids section of the binary. This shows the 7z archive once decrypted.
Figure 12. Decrypted 7z archive.
Payload Execution

OpenProcessToken and GetTokenInformation are called to determine if the process is running under the LocalSystem account. This is used to determine how the next stage payload is executed.

If it is determined to be running as LocalSystem, the payload is injected into a newly spawned process chosen from the Windows directory. The command line for this process follows this format and can be used as an indicator:
-q -s {{GUID}} -p NUMBER

If it is determined to be running as LocalSystem, the payload is injected into a newly spawned process chosen from the Windows directory. The command line for this process, shown here, follows a distinctive format and can be used as an indicator.
Figure 13. Command line argument.

If not found to be running as LocalSystem, the payload will execute in the memory space of the current process.

Stage 2

The second stage payload is a custom-compiled Python interpreter very similar to ones seen used with earlier variants of PyXie.


The configuration is stored in a zlib compressed json blob and is located in the .gfids section of the interpreter. Unlike previous versions of PyXie, it is not encrypted this time around. The variable sys.builtin_json_cfg is created with a call to PySys_SetObject and the compressed configuration blob is stored in it for later use by the final stage Python component.

The variable sys.builtin_json_cfg is created with a call to PySys_SetObject and the compressed configuration blob is stored in it for later use by the final stage Python component.
Figure 14. sys.builtin_json_cfg variable is created.
Decrypted Strings

The second stage uses the same string encryption that was noted in the previous stage.







-q -s {%S} -p %u









import core.modules.winapi_stubs as winapi_stubs

import core.zip_logs as zip_logs

import os

zip_logs.send_zip_log(winapi_stubs.get_self_executable_path(), os.getpid(), 'CERTS', r'%s')













Table 5. Decrypted second stage strings.

Final Stage: Libs.zip

The final stage of PyXie bytecode is contained in an encrypted ZIP file embedded within the interpreter binary. As with the earlier version of PyXie, the memzipimport library is used to import the bytecode from memory.

PyXie Lite

The “core” modules in this variant consist of 41 files versus the 79 seen in the previous version of PyXie analyzed by BlackBerry Cylance. The discrepancy is due to a shift in functionality that we will cover in the next section.

The "core" modules in this variant consist of 41 files versus the 79 seen in the previous version of PyXie analyzed by BlackBerry Cylance.
Figure 15. Bytecode listing.

Interpreter hardening

Cursory analysis of the bytecode revealed that the headers had been stripped as with previous earlier versions of PyXie. Additionally, we found that the opcode table had once again been modified and the opcodes recovered from previous versions of PyXie could no longer be used to decompile this bytecode.

Cursory analysis of the bytecode revealed that the headers had been stripped as with previous earlier versions of PyXie. We found that the opcode table had once again been modified and the opcodes recovered from previous versions of PyXie could no longer be used to decompile this bytecode.
Figure 16. Attempts to decompile bytecode with previously recovered PyXie opcodes resulted in an error.

Knowing this, we attempted to force the interpreter to import DeDrop's all.py with hopes of generating bytecode that could be used for opcode recovery. To our dismay, we found that simply importing a script would no longer cause the interpreter to output bytecode.

A closer look at the interpreter found that the sys.dont_write_bytecode variable had been set to true. This has the effect of preventing bytecode from being written to disk when modules are imported. Likely, this is something the developers intentionally enabled to hinder analysis efforts.

A closer look at the interpreter found that the sys.dont_write_bytecode variable had been set to true. This has the effect of preventing bytecode from being written to disk when modules are imported.
Figure 17. sys.dont_write_bytecode is set to True.
Hijacking the interpreter with a search order vulnerability

During our analysis of the interpreter, we found that it attempted to load a number of modules from the current working directory and was vulnerable to search order hijacking.

This screenshot shows that PyXie attempted to load a number of modules from the current working directory and was vulnerable to search order hijacking.
Figure 18. PyXie attempting to load libraries from the current working directory.

We were able use this to our advantage by dropping a simple Python shell into one of the modules it attempted to import. This gave us unfettered access to the interpreter, which enabled us to overwrite the sys.dont_write_bytecode variable, generate opcodes for modules on demand and even dump PyXie’s configuration.

We were able to use PyXie's search order vulnerability to our advantage by dropping a simple Python shell into one of the modules it attempted to import.
Figure 19. Search order vulnerability being used to gain control of the interpreter.

Once we were able to output bytecode for modules of our choosing, it was trivial to recover the remapped opcodes and decompile PyXie. A copy of the opcodes for this variant can be found in the appendix.


As we previously mentioned, PyXie Lite has been repurposed to focus on the automated collection and exfiltration of data.

Upon execution, it creates a staging directory whose name is based on the output of the tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() command.


Table 6. Example staging directory name.

Next, it collects data from the system by running a combination of routines that are dictated by the user account PyXie is found to be running under. Table 7 breaks down each of these routines and the types of account they will run under.

Routine User type Description
_mimi_redirector All Runs Mimikatz in memory. Injects into a newly spawned process from this list: write.exe, notepad.exe, explorer.exe
_main_routine All
  • Collects basic details about the system
  • Inventories software
  • Collects cookies
  • Collects LogMeIn data
  • Collects Citrix data
  • Collects KeePass safes
_save_sysinfo All Collects uninstall list from registry
_get_passwords All Collects passwords with Lazagne
_find_files System Searches for and collects files and directories based on keywords, directories and extensions specified in the configuration
_scan_network System Runs network scans
_run_shell_cmds System Runs a series of commands to gather details about the system
_get_desktop_files User Similar to find_files but only searches the current user’s Desktop
_take_screenshot User Takes a screenshot
_get_ps_history User Collects Powershell history

Table 7. PyXie routines.

The list of keywords and directories from configuration provides us some insight into the type of data the attackers are interested in:

passw logins wallet private
confidential username wire access
treason vault operation bribery
contraband censored instruction credent
cardholder secret explosive suspect
personal cyber restricted balance
passport victim submarine checking
saving routing esxi vsphere
spy admin newswire bitcoin
ethereum n-csr 10-sb 10-q
convict tactical engeneering military
disclosure attack infrastruct marketwired
agreement illegal nda hidden
privacy fraud statement finance
marketwired clandestine compromate concealed
investigation security

Table 8. Keywords from PyXie Lite configuration (including misspellings).

As part of the data gathering routines, a number of commands are executed to collect details about the system.

netstat -an

net user

net use

net view /all

net view /all /domain

net share

net config workstation

net group "Domain Admins"

net group "Enterprise Admins"

route print

net localgroup

ipconfig /all

tasklist /V

wmic process

arp -a

gpresult /z

cmdkey /list

net config workstation

nslookup -type=any %userdnsdomain%

vssadmin List Shadows

wmic qfe list


manage-bde -status

nltest /domain_trusts

nltest /domain_trusts /all_trusts


ipconfig /displaydns



net group "domain admins" /domain

net localgroup "administrators"

wmic path win32_VideoController get name

wmic cpu get name

reg.exe save hklm\security %LOCALAPPDATA%\temp\[RANDOM]

reg.exe save hklm\system %LOCALAPPDATA%\temp\[RANDOM]

reg.exe save hklm\sam %LOCALAPPDATA%\temp\[RANDOM]

Table 9. Executed commands.

Data collected from the system by running a combination of routines that are dictated by the user account PyXie is found to be running under is collected in a staging directory prior to exfiltration.
Figure 20. Data collected from the routines in a staging directory prior to exfil.

The staging directory containing the collected data is added to a compressed ZIP archive and encrypted before being sent to the server specified in the gates section of the config. The archive is encrypted with AES in CBC mode and THIS_KEY_IS_FOR_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY is used as the key. A random 16-byte initialization vector (IV) is used and is prepended to the encrypted archive. The exfil servers we have seen in samples to date have typically been compromised internal servers on the victim’s networks listening on ports 31337, 900 and 8443. Although we did not have visibility into how the attackers moved data off the victim network, in at least one incident the exfil server was running Cobalt Strike.

Continue reading: Last, but Not Least: Defray777

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