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Executive Summary

Unit 42 researchers have observed a surge of malware written for the Android platform that is attempting to impersonate the popular ChatGPT application. These malware variants emerged along with the release by OpenAI of GPT-3.5, followed by GPT-4, infecting victims interested in using the ChatGPT tool.

Here, we provide an in-depth analysis of two types of currently active malware clusters. The first cluster is a Meterpreter Trojan disguised as a "SuperGPT" app. The second is a "ChatGPT" app that sends short-text messages to premium-rate numbers in Thailand, resulting in charges for the victim that are pocketed by the threat actor.

Android users can download applications written for the Android platform from a variety of places. The Google Play store is the official source, but users are also free to obtain applications from other sources such as websites or links in emails. This means there is potential for users to obtain applications that have not been vetted by Google.

The files described here have been sent to Google and will be blocked from the Google Play store. Google Play Protect also protects users from apps known to contain this malware on Android devices with Google Play Services, even when those apps come from other sources. This underscores the need for users to be aware of the risks when obtaining applications for mobile devices outside of official channels. It is still possible that users could encounter malicious applications for download elsewhere on the internet.

Palo Alto Networks customers with Cortex XDR, the Next-Generation Firewall and Advanced URL Filtering benefit from protections against the ChatGPT-themed attacks discussed in this article. Additionally, the malicious indicators (domains, URLs and hashes) can be prevented with our DNS Security and WildFire services.

Related Unit 42 Topics ChatGPT, Meterpreter, Scams


OpenAI created a tool known as Chat "Generative Pre-trained Transformer," or ChatGPT for short. This tool is powered by a large language model (LLM) and is currently in its fourth version.

ChatGPT first became publicly available on Nov. 30, 2022. It quickly went viral, since it demonstrated remarkable question-answering ability, though not necessarily in an accurate manner.

Threat actors are always seeking to distribute their wares via effective attack vectors, and impersonating prevalent applications according to the current global trend is among the most effective means to accomplish this objective. For instance, attackers commonly leveraged the COVID-19 pandemic to spread their own malicious versions of “Health and Wellness” category applications written for the Android platform.

Past reports on malware masquerading as a ChatGPT-related tool, as well as our earlier publication "ChatGPT-Themed Scam Attacks on the Rise," found that scammers were taking advantage of ChatGPT's popularity to launch attacks. Threat actors are using similarly worded domain names to trick victims into giving away personal information or downloading malware.

Here, we continue to report on this trend, sharing our findings on some malicious Android applications we've recently discovered in our telemetry. Specifically, we found two types of active malware. One is a Meterpreter Trojan disguised as a "SuperGPT" app, and the other is a "ChatGPT" app that sends messages to premium-rate numbers in Thailand.

Meterpreter Trojan

Our team uncovered a malicious Android Package Kit (APK) sample, which turned out to be a Trojanized version of a legitimate application. The legitimate application is an AI assistant based on the latest version of ChatGPT. The malicious version of this application enables the actor to establish remote access to an Android device if exploitation is successful.

Table 1 describes the legitimate application and Table 2 shows the malicious application.

Application name SuperGPT - AI with GPT-4
Description (summarized from the official listing) A GPT-4 powered AI assistant, able to perform tasks such as:

  • writing emails,
  • answering questions,
  • and writing articles

Also comes equipped with the following capabilities:

  • speech recognition
  • language translation
Package name com.dominapp.supergpt
Version name (code) 1.2 (8)
SHA-256 hash d7ef8929b236a43917f351c39963916c1dd3a9c0580499443322750435245f9f
File size 10.85 MB (11,378,336 bytes)

Table 1. Metadata of the legitimate application.

The MainActivity class of the malware sample contains a String variable reference to the official ChatGPT URL Package-Class named v3.v is a custom WebViewClient class implementation (WebView is Android's built-in implementation to embed web browser functionality in apps made for its operating system). As such, this Java class is able to extend or override the default functionality. It does so by adding the following redirect rules:

  1. Redirect to, if URL contains
  2. Redirect to after a 1,000 millisecond delay, if URL contains
Application icon Screenshot

Image 1 is the application icon for SuperGPT. It is the head of a blue robot using headphones attached to a voice mic.
ic_launcher.png (app icon)

Image 2 is a screenshot of the SuperGPT app. The SuperGPT logo appears on top with the header “Talk with AI” followed by the text, “You can ask any question in your language and receive a response with a human-like voice powered by GPT-3.” At the bottom there is a button that says get started.
App screenshot
Application name SuperGPT
SHA-256 hash af19ca9213a20263c30584a2bf260dcdb3b4eafa4f43af10824af781573a2314
File size 12.39 MB (12,994,395 bytes)
Programming language Kotlin
Version name (code) 1.2 (8)
Package name com.dominapp.supergpt
Main activity com.dominapp.supergpt.activities.MainActivity
Android version Minimum: API level 23 (Android 6)
Target: API level 32 (Android 12L)

Table 2. Metadata of the malicious APK sample.

According to VirusTotal (VT), this sample was first submitted through VT's web interface from Nicaragua (NI), on 2023-03-16 02:06:04 UTC, as filename 2021id.apk.

Payload Implantation

Comparing the differences between the legitimate and malicious APK samples, it is clear that the critical Trojanizing addition to the file is the following line of Smali language code (shown in Figure 1).

Image 3 is a screenshot of Smali code. The added, malicious line of code is bolded.
Figure 1. Added line of malicious Smali language code.

The core threat in this malware sample is known as "Meterpreter." It is created using the Metasploit framework.

The source code of the initial Java-based Android Meterpreter stager can be found on Rapid7's GitHub repository. The main functionality is implemented within the Payload class. The Payload class' start method is invoked by the MainService class. The MainService class, in turn, can be either:

  • Started by the MainActivity class
  • Started by the MainBroadcastReceiver class automatically upon completion of the device boot sequence

The Payload class' main method is responsible for performing the following sequence of actions:

  1. Parse the hard-coded exploit configuration stored in the configBytes byte array (shown in Figure 2).
    • Note: This is not obfuscated in any way (e.g., the TCP or HTTP remote host address and port are clearly visible)
  2. Ensure the Android device's central processing unit (CPU) remains on via the Power Manager system service's partial wake lock functionality.
  3. Hide the icon’s application if requested.
  4. Establish a socket connection to the author-managed remote host.
  5. Download a secondary payload upon successful connection, implementing the full range of capabilities (e.g., the dump_sms command).

In the case of the APK malware sample in question, the following sequence of operations triggers this Meterpreter payload:

  1. The service named com.dominapp.supergpt.eluad.Vojnd starts upon the BOOT_COMPLETED action, as declared in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
  2. The thread named com.dominapp.supergpt.eluad.C2094e spawns and runs.
  3. The main method of the package class named com.dominapp.supergpt.eluad.Dapjs is invoked.
Image 4 is a screenshot of a configuration byte array that is characteristic of a Meterpreter payload.
Figure 2. Configuration byte array, characteristic of a Meterpreter payload.

The Meterpreter payload is configured to connect to the remote endpoint tcp[://]Gwdidkfkf-47070[.]portmap[.]io:47070. is a service that performs port forwarding free of charge.

Certificate Attribution

The digital code-signing certificate used to sign this sample belongs to the attacker with the following characteristics:

  • Email address – lkpandey950@gmail[.]com
  • Organization Common Name (CN) – Hax4Us
  • Located in Shahdara, Delhi, India
  • The certificate is valid from 2020-07-17 11:08:41 UTC to 2047-12-02 11:08:41 UTC
  • Serial number – 1a505d53b1c75046a81acb021fdb5f99936b75db
  • SHA-1 thumbprint – 65094A64233F818AEF5A4EDE90AC1D0C5A569A8B

This certificate is attached to over a hundred other publicly shared malware samples on VT (as shown in Figure 3).

Image 5 is a screenshot of a VirusTotal search query. The columns include detections, size, and when the samples were first seen. The samples also include tags, such as android, obfuscated, reflection, telephony, and so on.
Figure 3. Snapshot of partial results for VT search query androguard:"C:IN, CN:hax4us, L:shahdara, O:hax4us, ST:delhi, email:lkpandey950@gmail[.]com."
In contrast, the legitimate application is digitally signed with a generic certificate.

SMS to Premium-Rate Numbers

We've also uncovered another cluster of APK malware samples. On the surface, the malware seems to be presenting the following webpage (shown in Figure 4) containing a description of ChatGPT. But in fact, this threat conceals a sinister intent underneath.

Image 6 as a screenshot of an article about ChatGPT on a webpage, titled ChatGPT: optimizing language models for dialogue. There is an image of a robot head with the words, ChatGPT on it, and then the article goes into details about what ChatGPT is.
Figure 4. ChatGPT: Optimizing Language Models for Dialogue. hxxps[://]apkafe[.]com/what-is-chatgpt.
Image 7 is the OpenAI logo and logotype.
Figure 5. OpenAI logo and logotype.

Moreover, all these APK samples share the OpenAI logo often associated with ChatGPT (shown in Figure 5) as their application icon, adding to the deceptive narrative that this application is related to the ChatGPT AI tool.

These APK malware samples are capable of sending SMS messages to premium-rate numbers in Thailand (TH). Premium-rate numbers cost more than calls to normal phone numbers, in exchange for rendering some sort of service (e.g., users providing information). The business behind it collects the earnings, but this can also be abused to conduct scams and fraudulent activity. For reference, the official Android Open Source Project (AOSP) codebase contains a list of premium-rate numbers by country.

The Android permission to send SMS text messages, android.permission.SEND_SMS, is requested by the application, and a reference to the "country":"thailand" is passed as a ContentValue. The samples also make use of OneSignal, a service that enables apps to send messages via push notifications, including by email, SMS and within the app itself.

For instance, the configuration obtained from the URL hxxps[://]api[.]onesignal[.]com/apps/af63b434-ec50-46a0-9374-d57a383f2e03/android_params[.]js is reproduced below:

(The OneSignal app ID is af63b434-ec50-46a0-9374-d57a383f2e03)

  "awl_list": {},
  "android_sender_id": "660194064544",
  "chnl_lst": [],
  "outcomes": {
    "direct": {
      "enabled": false
    "indirect": {
      "notification_attribution": {
        "minutes_since_displayed": 60,
        "limit": 10
      "enabled": false
    "unattributed": {
      "enabled": false
  "receive_receipts_enable": false

The formatted phone number in the android_sender_id field value is +661-9406-4544.

These APK samples are digitally signed with a generic certificate. As for other key attributes, their values are depicted in Table 3 below.

Validity From 2008-02-29 01:33:46 UTC

  To 2035-07-17 01:33:46 UTC

Serial number 936eacbe07f201df
Thumbprint (SHA-1) 61ED377E85D386A8DFEE6B864BD85B0BFAA5AF81

Table 3. Code-signing certificate attributes for Type II APK samples.

This cluster of samples can be subdivided into two smaller batches, each sharing some common characteristics. APK samples in the first batch send an SMS text message to one hard-coded, premium-rate Thai number and make use of the OneSignal service. APK samples in the second batch send different SMS text messages to two other hard-coded, premium-rate Thai numbers, and they do not obtain configuration from an external OneSignal endpoint.

The APK samples belonging to the first batch have a lower version compared to those from the second. This suggests that the first batch could be an earlier iteration of malware development than the second. This theory is supported by the earlier "first submission" timestamp of these APK samples on VT: batch one (February 2023), followed by batch two (March 2023).

Batch One

These are the SHA-256 hashes of samples in this batch:

  • 2980329fa5eaed0f5625e961572f7ae8136ca7df30cca9e9c8783c827627b692
  • 391e8f394af425f1e7edff6aea1605aa89f2fb0233c44e70cff265fc60ec3b1b
  • d1844bf3865c7d2e4745baa2496297937821171d7a3ad4412b0a4e767bc32b5e
  • d1b1813f7975b7117931477571a2476decff41f124b84cc7a2074dd00b5eba7c

Table 4 below summarizes the static attributes of samples in this batch.

Package names
  • com.chatgpt.go
  • com.chatgpt.ogothai
Main activities
  • chatgpt.subth.MainActivity
  • tikitaka.sub.MainActivity
Version name (code) chatgpt (183)
Android version Minimum: API level 18 (Android 4.3)
Target: API level 30 (Android 11)
  • GTA_TT
  • ChatGPT
First submission timestamps on VT (UTC) Between 2023-02-02 08:37:23 and 2023-02-07 03:08:33

OneSignal configuration

App ID af63b434-ec50-46a0-9374-d57a383f2e03
Android sender ID +661-9406-4544

Table 4. Static attributes of batch one APK samples.

Batch Two

These are the SHA-256 hashes of samples in this batch:

  • b787d5ef4a0c350a9f62f55907c8ef6d92bf7699b8544fabff5a263e52a2d0d1
  • be757541584cc2dc2e7adacf7a5186be07d474f06c8698a938589f86ce56ea34
  • e9bb6d04d796eb147b9d73a7df91fb9e6a99e0be8a41a61329d600a9dfe8b1ae

Table 5 below summarizes the static attributes of samples in this batch.

File size 1.249 MB (1,309,619 bytes)
Package name com.chatgpt.ggmmtlan
Main activity ggtlan.sub.MainActivity
Version name (code) chatgpt (200)
Android version Minimum: API level 22 (Android 5.1)
Target: API level 30 (Android 11)
First submission timestamp on VT (UTC) SHA-256 hash
2023-03-08 22:16:21 be757541584cc2dc2e7adacf7a5186be07d474f06c8698a938589f86ce56ea34
2023-03-10 12:00:23 e9bb6d04d796eb147b9d73a7df91fb9e6a99e0be8a41a61329d600a9dfe8b1ae
2023-03-17 10:19:14 b787d5ef4a0c350a9f62f55907c8ef6d92bf7699b8544fabff5a263e52a2d0d1

Table 5. Static attributes of Batch 2 APK samples.


The emergence of ChatGPT-themed APK malware poses a severe threat to the security and privacy of mobile devices. These types of malware can potentially steal sensitive information, spy on user activities and cause significant financial losses for unsuspecting victims.

To protect themselves against this type of malware, mobile users should take proactive measures, such as installing reputable antivirus software, being cautious when downloading apps from third-party sources and keeping their devices up to date with the latest security patches.

Overall, the threat of mobile malware highlights the critical importance of mobile device security. By remaining vigilant and taking proactive steps to safeguard our devices, we can help prevent the spread of this dangerous malware and protect ourselves from potential harm.

Palo Alto Networks customers with Cortex XDR, the Next-Generation Firewall and WildFire benefit from protections against the attacks discussed in this article. Additionally, the malicious indicators (domains, URLs and hashes) can be prevented with our DNS Security and Advanced URL Filtering services.

If you think you might have been impacted or have an urgent matter, get in touch with the Unit 42 Incident Response team or call:

  • North America Toll-Free: +1.866.486.4842 (+1.866.4.UNIT42)
  • UK: +44.20.3743.3660
  • EMEA: +
  • APAC: +65.6983.8730
  • Japan: +81.50.1790.0200

Indicators of Compromise

Category SHA-256 hashes
APK malware samples Type I
  • af19ca9213a20263c30584a2bf260dcdb3b4eafa4f43af10824af781573a2314
APK malware samples Type II

Batch One

  • 2980329fa5eaed0f5625e961572f7ae8136ca7df30cca9e9c8783c827627b692
  • 391e8f394af425f1e7edff6aea1605aa89f2fb0233c44e70cff265fc60ec3b1b
  • d1844bf3865c7d2e4745baa2496297937821171d7a3ad4412b0a4e767bc32b5e
  • d1b1813f7975b7117931477571a2476decff41f124b84cc7a2074dd00b5eba7c

Batch Two

  • b787d5ef4a0c350a9f62f55907c8ef6d92bf7699b8544fabff5a263e52a2d0d1
  • be757541584cc2dc2e7adacf7a5186be07d474f06c8698a938589f86ce56ea34
  • e9bb6d04d796eb147b9d73a7df91fb9e6a99e0be8a41a61329d600a9dfe8b1ae
  • hxxps[://]api[.]onesignal[.]com/apps/af63b434-ec50-46a0-9374-d57a383f2e03/android_params[.]js
  • tcp[://]Gwdidkfkf-47070[.]portmap[.]io
Certificate Thumbprint (SHA-1)
  • 65094A64233F818AEF5A4EDE90AC1D0C5A569A8B


ID Technique Description
T1582 SMS Control APK malware samples are capable of sending SMS to Premium-rate Numbers in Thailand.
T1623 Command and Scripting Interpreter APK malware samples are capable of providing Meterpreter shell access.

Additional Resources

Enlarged Image